
From the mailbox of Primrose Lamb. From the imagination of Alyssa Holland Short.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Myrtle Mouse: Lightening Bolt

Hi Primrose,

School is here again and I'm happy about that because school means characters. And guess what characters bring: crime, drama, mystery! No lunch money will remain unfound when Detective Myrtle is on the scene.

Oh right. But today I am writing to you about my summer, which was awesome by the way.
Yup, that's me all the way up there on the high dive. All the way up at the top. It was so high that I could see the roof of the grocery store down the street. So high that I had to fight through gale force winds to get to the top ladder rung. So. High. It was 10 degrees colder once I got to the top! Really. I promise. It was. 
That's me zipping through the air like a streak of silver. Like a silver lightening bolt! My tail was like a knife. Do you see that splash? Nope, I didn't think so. 
Yours truly,
Myrtle Mouse
Professional Detective 
Award Winning Diver 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dandelion Duck: My Heart is a Broken Pencil.

 Dear Primrose,

School is starting and my summer of art is over. My heart is like a heavy, grey paintbrush. No, it's like a crayon with no color...a watercolor tray with no water. I suppose you get the idea. Do you?

I spent every single day drawing and painting. I made 87 masterpieces. Well lucky for my family all my drawings and paintings are beautiful because I hung ALL of them up all over the whole house. My mom says that it's a temporary installation, but I told her you can't keep true beauty in a box somewhere. 
This was my view all summer. Just a duck and her sketchbook. 


PS: My mom got me a pocket sized sketchbook to take to school with me. Cool.